Presentation tools face care

Since the beginning of human history, women searching for options to fight against old age. It was always considered that the person, the business card all the ladies, a young and beautiful face, it is his main weapon. In fact, the beautiful representative of the fragile sex, we can even forgive the low mental capacity. A great happiness for the fairer sex, the modern cosmetology has reached new heights.

care of the face

It is very important at an early stage to correctly determine your skin type.

It may be dry, oily, mixed, normal and sensitive. This is why the care of it also are divided into categories. For example, the dry skin and can not dry tonic and alcohol-based masks, and oily, on the contrary, it is not necessary to moisturize and nourish the emulsions. Therefore, you must determine the type of your skin. It is possible to produce, by visiting the beauty salon, or to identify, taking into account certain factors.

Skin Types

  1. The dry skin at an early age seems to be pretty smooth and beautiful, no pores, but with the maturity, if the evil one to take care of, not to feed and not to moisten, then dry the dermis is the property of rapid drying and aging.
  2. For oily skin, since the beginning of the age seems to be dirty, greasy shine, and enlarged pores. It is not rare on the face with this type of advocate that acne and pimples. But the big plus of this type of skin, the epidermis, fat provides a protective layer of secretion, which prevents the rapid aging. As the sebum protects the face from the impact of harmful particles in the air and the solar radiation.
  3. The combination skin is a cross between dry and oily. For example, the cheeks, with such a skin even a little dryish, and here is the T-zone (forehead, nose and chin) shine because of the fat. It is combined of the dermis.
  4. Normal Type speaks for itself — the skin seems to be in good health, without shine and dryness.
  5. And finally, the point of view may be attributed to the dry type. During this type of skin are often irritations and drying out.

No matter what type of skin requires daily care, which is also divided into the following steps:

  1. Purification;
  2. Mechanical exfoliation;
  3. Toning;
  4. Hydration;
  5. Care for the areas around your eyes;
  6. Nutrition.


The purification of one of the most important processes of care of the facial skin, which cleanses the dust, peeling the secretions of the sebaceous glands, microbes, residues from make-up. At the time of washing they use soap, a special gel to creamy. Care of the face it is necessary to choose the appearance of the skin. If you want to have a beautiful and well-maintained face without blackheads and irritation, remember to never go to bed with a clean face. Also, do not apply the makeup on the dirty face. This will not give good results.

Mechanical exfoliation

For known as mechanical exfoliation, use scrubs. It is the panacea for the care of the face with which you need to use once per week. Scrubs to clean in depth the skin by eliminating the dead cells. It is composed of natural abrasives – jagged minerals, fruits of the bones or shells of nuts.

To prepare the scrub of his own hands, you can use coffee sediment, or sugar.

the care of the face

For this, it is necessary to mix the abrasive natural with your gel or cream for the face. It is also a kind of massage of the face, due to the friction of the particles occurs to an influx of blood. But don't look too much, or you can purchase slight damage in the dermis, and after that, the irritation and red skin rash.


The following procedure shall apply on the face, tonic or lotion. These medicines are very well filmed, make-up, tone, tighten the pores. These medicines include beauty cream and milk, a variety of lotions and tonics, which, in addition to all the rest, soften the dermis. During the application and selection of these drugs is also interesting to consider the type of the skin of the face.


The humidification of one of their bases in a healthy facial care. If the good moistening of the epidermis, a person has a matte, smooth, healthy-looking, as well as the proper balance of water prolongs the beauty and elasticity. The modern market is rich in resources for the humidification. But it must be remembered that under a certain type of epidermis should be corresponding to a drug. Moisturizers, lotions, tonics and masks, often applied after cleaning the face.

Care of the skin around the eyes

Definitely worth to pay attention to areas around the eyes. These places are very sensitive and require particularly gentle care. Do not rub the eyes cleaning means, and it is best to purchase a special makeup remover. After which, you must wear the special moisturising or nourishing cream on the areas around your eyes, holding your finger to the outer corner, driving the inner corner of the. The application to produce this easy Pat, so as not to formed new wrinkles. It is also a kind of massage, which is always useful.


After cleaning, toning, used liked the scrub, disturbed on the skin around the eyes, be sure to apply it before sleeping at night nutritive milk or emulsion. The cream should be divided into day and night, because they play other roles:

  • the day cream assumes a protection function, so that during the application, it provides a film that will protection against dust and other not-quite-helpful factors of the environment affect us throughout the day;
  • and the night cream to assume the function of nutrition, as well as in sleep, our skin is more likely, and is in need of food and humidification. Therefore, the night cream contains many beneficial nutrients, and more fat from the structure, compared to the day cream.


Also for the face is very effective masks nourishing, which allows you to do several times a week. Choose their need based on what type of skin you is inherent. Very useful, especially in the morning, apply on face fresh fruit puree (apple, peach, banana, etc), but also some vegetables (cucumber, carrots). Very useful for making menus for the ice cubes, which you can prepare decoctions of herbs (chamomile, calendula, persil), they are very much in the tone of our skin.

If after all the procedures of cleansing and cosmetic products you want to wash – you know, these medicines do not suit you.

It is also worth considering that all the cosmetic distinguished not only by skin type, but also on criteria of age. He must necessarily choose for himself the medicines that correspond to your age, in order to achieve good results. To receive a professional care of the face, in the modern world, there are many beauty salons and cosmetic care. There, you can always find the latest novelties of the cosmetology, which in the home to try not to risk.

And don't forget:

  1. Always on time and regularly change all the skin care;
  2. Eat plenty of vegetables and fruit;
  3. Drink plenty of fluids;
  4. Don't be nervous about the little things;
  5. Adhere to healthy lifestyles;
  6. Try to sleep at least 8 hours per day.
mask for the face

Necessarily take care of their skin, and then she will be grateful, emitting youth, beauty and health.