Of the herb for the rejuvenation of facial skin

Medication of the herb for the rejuvenation of the skin of the face are now very strong in the first place in the list of the most effective means, capable to save and return to the cover of the lost youth. They are used in the manufacture of expensive cosmetics and professional cosmetics. The unique composition of medicinal plants, which include vitamins, oils, fats and other active substances, allow to use them as an ingredient in anti-aging skin care of the face.

Of the herb for the rejuvenation of facial skin

But the only thing, in the composition of finished cosmetic products herbal extracts contain often small, negligible amount, and that do not allow women to feel fully "miraculous" and the healing power of herbs. Therefore, smarter, and more correct to use herbs for rejuvenation in the cosmetics house, hand-cooked.

Of the herb for the rejuvenation of the face – the right choice

First, let's recall the purpose of rejuvenating care for mature skin – the food, the hydration, the maintenance and the stimulation of all the exchange rates and the process of regeneration in the dermis of the skin, the elimination of the existing already visible from the age of the manifestations on the face and an obstacle to the emergence of new ones.

Thus, for anti care healers recommends that you use the herbs for the rejuvenation of the face:

  • The sage, aloe vera, st. john's wort, basil, cucumber, currant leaves – these plants have antioxidant properties and are considered as stimulants of the update and the repair of skin cells mature.
  • The lime, wheat, green tea with mint – the data of the herb for rejuvenation are used in cosmetic products, such as hydration and food components that improve the appearance and color of the face.
  • Birch, calendula, flax, oats, the guelder-rose – have rejuvenating properties – they perfectly smooth the existent wrinkles and prevent their occurrence, and activate the natural production of skin cells mature collagen.
  • The mountain ash, the persil, hops, rosehip, radiola – well tone the discoloration of the facial skin, turning it has lost the freshness and shiny appearance.

An important moment! The good herbs for the rejuvenation of the face must be of high quality, it is grown in eco-neighbourhoods, not close to highways or, worse, the chemicals factory.

Poultices and compresses

Of the herb for the rejuvenation of facial skin – effective ways of application of the

Page of cosmetics, called today the most modern, the term "hade-made", has a countless number of all kinds of recipes, based on the application of medicinal herbs. Of the herb for rejuvenation use in the preparation of lotions, tonics, creams, masks, peels, scrubs, in the framework of infusions and decoctions for washing.

Consider a few of the most effective ways for the application of herbal medicine, with the goal of rejuvenating:

Poultices and compresses

For the cooking data of cosmetic products, it is recommended to apply the juice of aloe (the best of the bio-stimulated), the infusions of leaves of birch, black currant, flowers of cranberry or lime.

To get the juice of aloe vera bio-stimulants, it is necessary to cut with an adult (at least 8 to 10 years) of the plant of aloe vera fleshy leaves, rinse with clear water and place it on the bottom shelf (or side door) of the refrigerator 10 to 12 days. After which it is necessary to grind the leaves of the plant with the help of a grinder and press received, the pulp of the juice. In the process of the degeneration of the life processes of the plant under given conditions, the aloe vera begins to naturally produce the unique organic are substances able to enhance the livelihoods of the cells of the skin. Therefore, the use of aloe juice, prepared in the same way, dozens of times to strengthen the rejuvenating effect of cosmtiques with its application.

Hot compresses and cold

For cooking, it is recommended to use the herbs for the rejuvenation of the face: nettle, mint, linden, chamomile, hops. To prepare a compress of cold water in advance of infusion of dry grass of boiling water (to 250 ml of boiling water over 1 tablespoon with a slide of chopped herbs or a herbal blend) and let it brew, and then in the freshness of this infusion to moisten the fabric of the towel and apply on the facial skin for a few minutes. For compresses of herbs infused in the same manner, just prior to the application of the infusion is heated in a water bath at a temperature of 35 to 37 degrees.

Of the herb for rejuvenation

Mask for the face

The most popular animals of cosmetics, who use of herbs for skin rejuvenation of the face, as in its purest form, and in combination with other rejuvenation products that are natural, honey, dairy products, eggs, natural herbal and essential oils, clay cosmetics. An excellent mask for adult of wrinkled skin is the following composition: powder of leaves of black currant, st. john's wort, nettle, the fruits of mountain ash (½c.) boil a small amount of boiling water (~100 ml) and wait until they swell up a little. Then, to get an infusion (of him in the future, you can use it as a lotion or lotion), and herbs to the dough connect with 10 ml of aloe juice, 5 ml of honey and 1 egg. The resulting mass should be applied on the skin of the face, avoiding the eye contour, not less than 15-20 minutes

Night cream for the face

It can also be prepared based on butter (best home), and horsetail. For cooking, you must join the 30 g butter, softened 2 tablespoons chopped herbs, and then in the oven for 15-20 minutes, Ready-to-cosmetic, it is recommended to store in the refrigerator no longer than 5-6 days.

Of the herb for rejuvenation – precautions

All the medicinal herbs, without exception, are considered safe for the application. They do not cause addiction and almost impossible to overdose on this topic. But, despite this, the herb for the rejuvenation of the face can harm your health in the form of an allergic reaction, which is often linked to individual intolerance of substances entering the composition of certain grasses. Therefore, prior to the application of cosmetic products based on plants, don't forget to perform a preliminary test on the allergies of the sensitivity of the skin to the body in charge of the components grooming the skin of the composition.