How to rejuvenate skin at home

The natural aging of the skin, no one is immune. After the time under the action of different factors of skin get dry. Your skin begins to peel off, often to the surface form dark spots. Girls and women use the newfangled cosmetic means, but they are conclusive. Here appears the need to use folk methods of rejuvenation, which we'll talk about it. Consider the most effective compositions, here are stepwise instructions of use.

skin rejuvenation of the hands

Why the skin of the hands ages

  1. The weather conditions. The most common cause of wilting of the skin of the hands are considered to be weather conditions. As a direct result of the impact of uv in the summer, the dermis becomes dry, appear dark spots. In winter, the skin on the hands is subjected to abrupt temperature variations, which are complemented by the icy wind. These characteristics lead to disorders of blood circulation, resulting in tissues not receiving enough oxygen and fading. In people who spend a lot of time under the sun or in the cold saw a strong dilation of capillaries, peeling, dryness.
  2. The age-related changes. After the time of the production of collagen and elastin is greatly reduced, as a result, the skin loses its elasticity. Because in the body simultaneously slows down the metabolism, the epidermis is exhausted due to the lack of moisture. The regeneration does not go to the height, because the blood vessels shrink. The result is excessive, pigmentation, the appearance of wrinkles, total dryness.
  3. Cleaning products compositions. To this day, there is a mass of households of drugs, which expose skin to premature aging. Wipes, liquid or compact, soap, shower gel, floor cleaner — this affects the epidermis. A lot of girls prefer to protect the skin gloves when cleaning in the home. However, blowing solutions destroy the lipid layer of the dermis, which prevented dehydration. The regular use of antibiotics the sebaceous glands cease to produce a barrier of protection.
  4. A failure. If to speak about the processes occurring in the body, the failure of background hormonal harmful consequences on the state of the skin. The wilting seen in the course of menopause, pregnancy, breast-feeding, breast-feeding, menopause. This peculiarity appears due to the fact, that estrogen is produced in smaller quantities. The skin does not get protection, since it violates the lipid barrier. In the cut, the weather conditions and the household effects of the epidermis begins to accelerate the aging.

Preventive measures

  1. In the process of domestic work to protect the skin of the hands gloves. The recommendation is not only relevant in the case of a treatment of soils, or for the treatment of the plumbing. Wear gloves before washing dishes, windows, and other so the skin does not sweat and does not lose precious moisture, wake up in the cavity of gloves of talcum powder with chamomile or other herbal medicines (surface powder).
  2. As it was previously mentioned, the skin ages due to the impact of negative factors. In summer, apply the special formula that prevents uv penetration in the lower layers of the dermis. In the winter, wear mitts, use fat anti-gelu cream (a tool for children). In the fall, when it rains and the wind blows, wear leather gloves.
  3. Observe the choice of a toilet soap. Give preference to products with the word "emollient", it has been designed taking into account the PH balance of the skin of the hands. Wash your hands with warm water, and it is in no case must not be too hot or too cold. After the impregnation of the towel, apply a nourishing cream (strictly after every wash!).
  4. Make a manicure at least 2 times per month. The procedure should contain only the elimination of cuticles and sanding of the nail plate. Manicure also includes paraffin wax and bath at the base of plants, cleaning of data, the use of masks.
  5. Avoid dehydration of the skin, drink plenty of liquids. The "good" standard is of the order of 2.6 liters for girls and women of medium build. Those who practice a sport, it is recommended to increase the quantity up to 3 ml in the night. It is important to drink the standard, not only in summer but also in winter.
the rejuvenation of the skin of the hands at home

Step n ° 1. Anti-aging bath for the hands

The cups for the hands — an excellent tool that will offset the balance of the water, and accelerate the blood circulation. Experts recommend putting in place a process at least 3 times per week. The duration is of the order of 10 to 30 minutes, depending on the composition. Once all manipulations lubricate the skin nourishing cream.

  1. The starch and kefir. Pour into a bowl 2 l of warm water, add 30 gr. starch (potato, corn), mix. Preheat to 180 ml of fat yogurt in the microwave, a thin trickle pour in the water. Lower your hands in a bowl, soak for 20 minutes.
  2. Potatoes. Wash several tubers of potatoes, cut them in half, boil them. After that, remove the vegetables and broth, add 100 ml of lemon juice to 3 l of water. Hold the hands of 15 minutes. Cooked potatoes you can grind in a blender and use it as a mask (hold time is half an hour).
  3. The camomile. Boil 2.8 l of hot water 100gr. chamomile flowers, add 3 ml of essential oil of geranium, and 5 ml of eucalyptus (you can replace it with an infusion of calendula). Lower your hands in the cooled composition (the temperature is about 35 degrees), wait for 25 minutes.
  4. Liquid soap. Dissolve in warm water with a little liquid soap, add 30 gr. linden flowers, infuse for 1 hour. After the time of heating the solution in the pan, lower your hands warm composition. At the end of a quarter of an hour, rinse your skin and apply the cream.
  5. The milk. Heat on the base plate 2 l. of milk fat content of 3%, add 60 gr. potato starch and mix. Do the bath for half an hour, after that, wash the skin and lubricate it with a moisturizing cream.
  6. The corn oil. Heat a convenient means of 120 ml of corn and 100 ml of olive oil. Pour two of the composition in a bowl, add 2.3 l. of warm water, mix well. Lower the handle to the composition, leave to soak for half an hour. After the time not to throw out the mixture, collect the moisture with a towel.

Step n ° 2. Anti-aging scrubs for the hands

The exfoliation of the hands is done after the adoption of the baths, but not more than 1 time per week. After softening of the epidermis, you have to remove the dead cells which prevent the natural regeneration of the skin.

  1. Marine/river sand. The scrub prepares sand, containing no stones, and shells. Boil 180 gr. the composition for 20 minutes, then drain. Mix the hot mixture with the oil, do the peeling for 3 minutes.
  2. The honey and the sugar. To prepare the scrub you will need to send a mass cane sugar and honey. After the mixture of ingredients must be smetanoobraznaja weight, do not let the dissolution of the granules. Gently massage the skin for 5 minutes, then rinse with the composition.
  3. The fresh cream. Take 70-85 gr. a thick cream, begin to slowly pour chopped, sea salt to make a paste. Pour 25 ml of vegetable oil (you can substitute olive oil). Scrub hands with the mixture for 5 minutes.
  4. The marc of coffee. To prepare an effective composition, you'll need about 135 grams. recovery of ground coffee (marc). Mix it with shower gel or soap liquid to pasty structure. Spread over the surface of the hands, rub the skin for 3 to 5 minutes.

Step n ° 3. Anti-aging mask to the hands

It is recommended to perform the procedure at least 3 times per week after the use of baths, in some cases, the scrubs.

  1. Fish oil. Mix 2 ampoules (20 ml) of fish oil with 55 gr. the fat in the cheese, rub the product of the fork and apply it on the skin of the hands. Wear polyethylene gloves, soak 40 minutes, rinse.
  2. Butter and glycerin. Take 15 ml of glycerin liquid, add 45 grams. the honey, melt the mixture in a microwave. Add 20 gr. of the gelatin and wait for half an hour. When the granules swell with water, add 45 grams. the butter and bring a lot to the consistency. Apply on the hands, wrap a brush in plastic wrap or wear gloves for manicure. Leave to soak for half an hour.
  3. The persil. Mix a fresh bouquet of persil and dill, add the fat from the cream, the mass turned out thick. Stir in 25 g of. corn starch, mix well and make a mask. Wear rubber gloves, leave on for half an hour.
  4. The oat flour. Whisk in the electric mixer or whisk chicken protein, mix 30 gr. the oat flour. Chop half of the fruit of the avocado, after removing the bones (not skin). Connect the compositions, make a mask, wait for 20 minutes.
  5. The cucumber and carrot. Wash the carrots and the cucumber, remove the "ass", chop the vegetables in slices. Send them in a mixer or chopper, chop to a pulp. Add 25 ml of olive oil and 5 ml of vitamin A (sold in a pharmacy, is available in vials of 10 ml.). apply the mixture on the skin of the hands, wear gloves, rinse at the end of 35 minutes.
  6. The black bread. Remove the crumb of black bread, tear into pieces, pour the hot milk. Once the product will soften, sending it into a blender, drain the excess liquid. Turn the bread with the oat flour, adding 10 gr. corn, potato starch. Make a mask, leave for 25 minutes.
rejuvenation of the skin of the hands of the tool

Step n ° 4. The rejuvenation of the paraffin for the hands

  1. Cosmetic paraffin you buy in a pharmacy or a professional store for hairdressers. Before the procedure, wash your hands, make peeling, and do the footbath, steam the skin.
  2. To prepare the composition, the melt in a microwave or in a bain-marie 550 grams. paraffin wax or beeswax, add 30 ml of the ester of jojoba, olive oil and calendula extract. Pour 20 ml of the vitamin A and 30 ml of vitamin E.
  3. Mix the composition in a pan, heat it and simultaneously mix. Preheat the brush with hot water, wipe. Give the brush of paraffin wax, apply on the skin. On request, can be several times lower hands in a saucepan with the composition, especially, monitor the temperature.
  4. Put your hands in polyethylene gloves and wrap the brush with a towel. Wait about a half hour, then carefully remove the paraffin gloves. Perform the procedure 1 once in 10 days.

It is quite difficult to rejuvenate the skin of the hands, if not having an idea about the procedures. First of all, follow the measures of prevention, which will prevent the depletion of the skin. Do the bath, don't forget the scrubs and masks, apply on the cosmetic brush of the paraffin.