Aesthetic professional for the rejuvenation of the face

With age, women are increasingly taking a look in the mirror and sigh: yet another wrinkle had. And reserve a catalogue miracle – anti-wrinkle cream promises a lifting effect up to two weeks. With the hope do they expect this same effect, not suspecting that the cosmetic science, intended to keep the level of a feminine charm, already offers their the same age and get rid of the obnoxious wrinkles without the cream.

The new word in the science of the beauty of the female body – hardware-rejuvenation of the face. Don't let so bad the experience of our predecessors, who have taken a useful bathroom with a tonic effect, but the science was a not far from. Now, with the help of a woman come smart space, able to bring them back to the good mood and confidence in its irresistibility.

The material of the case: for and against

Aesthetic professional for the rejuvenation of the face

The material of face rejuvenation in cosmetology is a set of procedures, with the assistance of special equipment for the introduction of cosmetic products on the areas under the skin. Long made his first steps in this field, has invented the new equipment, introduced modern technology. But again, the person remains to be the most vulnerable of a parcel of our body, because the first gives the age of the woman. On this basis, one can note the main indications of equipment procedures for rejuvenation of the face:

  1. Obvious signs of aging of the skin
  2. Wrinkles are not only in the area of eyes and lips
  3. Acne
  4. Brown
  5. Visible loss of elasticity and firmness of the skin

Carried out by procedures that are safe and effective. It all depends on the qualification of the expert – beautician, selection of the material and technical equipment.

As with any manipulation, pursued by a man in special education, the procedure equipment skin rejuvenation of the face also has some contraindications. Among them:

  1. Tumour of the education in the body
  2. Poor clotting of the blood
  3. Oncology
  4. Skin problems, including lesions, fungal
  5. Individual allergic to any components of the medication, introduced under the skin

Warning! The materials of the proceedings during pregnancy is strictly contraindicated due to the risk of development of fetal conditions.

Regular aesthetic professional

Regular aesthetic professional

The technological advances of all time, offers new opportunities and options to improve the quality of procedures designed to restore tired skin. Among the hardware types of procedures can highlight the main:

  1. Massage through the use of devices. The species of this massage are many, but there are three main hydro-massage, pneumomassage and vibratory massage.
  2. The procedure of lifting the result, trim the skin, elimination of wrinkles. Get a lifting effect, you can the material in any manner or by surgery.
  3. Correction laser, when a special equipment to get an effect of rejuvenation and tightening of the skin on the cheeks.
  4. Liposuction. This is to remove the excess fat layers of the method of pumping. To perform this manipulation can be done in two ways – the laser and ultrasound.
  5. Cryo procedure. Assistance to the sanitation of the whole body of the method of the premises in the cryo-sauna or cryo pool.
  6. The galvanotherapy of the skin have a low impact of the load current.

Using the cosmtologie, you can remove tumors on the body as warts or birthmarks, as well as get rid of post-operative scars.

Using the cosmtologie, you can remove

Overview of techniques of facial rejuvenation

Thanks to the biological diversity in the areas of cosmetology, has developed many of the methods of effects on the skin of the face. Each of them aims to solve the problems according to the skin type and depends on the site that you need to work on.

With the effectiveness of the methods of discussing difficult, because each woman opts for the method of exposure, which aims to rid specifically to its problems. The most popular methods of facial rejuvenation are listed below:

  1. Ultrasound AMF lift Modified facelift. One of the most common equipment of facial rejuvenation in the salons and clinics of cosmetology. In this case, it is painless and delights quick result.
  2. The photorejuvenation. Effects on the deep layers of the skin the flashes of light, like when taking photos. The intensity and brightness of the outbreaks accumulate the restoration of the elasticity of the skin and the disappearance of wrinkles and acne.
  3. Radiolifting. Smoothing the wrinkles on the skin of the face due to the influence of the device, which contributes to the increase of the temperature of the skin. Going to update the substance of collagen, responsible for the increase in the elasticity of the skin.
  4. ELOS – procedure. Lies in the effects of light and of the current, the intensity of which is determined at the beginning of the session. In the time of working, the patient feels rhythmic tingling, but they do not cause discomfort or pain. But the result may not be happy.
  5. Rejuvenation through injection. The most common is the bite of the hyaluronic acid. This is the methodology for those who do not decide on surgical impact, but look at wants young and fresh.
The comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of equipment procedures

The comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of equipment procedures

Cosmetic professional facial rejuvenation by constantly introducing new areas and the method in its sphere. The women just follow the innovations in this field, so contact an expert to solve the problem. To understand the efficiency of the equipment of the rejuvenation procedure, it is necessary to consider the "clear" and "dark" on the part of the more care. For more details, we will turn to comments of the visitors of beauty salons and we will analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the material of the rejuvenation of the face.

The first and probably the biggest material advantage of facial rejuvenation is the lack of a surgical intervention. That is, if the woman does not want to risk their health and achieve the same irreversible result, simply focus his attention on the longer-term, but safe and effective equipment the procedure?

Now touch the summaries of product characteristics of each of the methods of material rejuvenation of the face.

Altera facelift

The most widespread methods still cosmetically and justified. In fact, it is the first device, the effects of which is not intended to the skin and the subcutaneous layer and muscle, whose name gave the name of the procedure – SMAS. Thanks to this, the impact of the device and the result is mind-boggling, and a quick effect. With the help of this method of skin rejuvenation of the face up corners of the lips, the facial contour is more distinct, the upper eyelids are refined, smoothed out the area of the eyebrows. It is because of this execution is Altering facelift remains the most popular of the view of the equipment of care.

Altera facelift

The photorejuvenation

As already mentioned, this method materials of facial rejuvenation is based on the effects of the flashes on the deeper layers of the skin (epidermis). The benefits of this procedure should be attributed to short duration of the session and the absence of pain. Yes, and the result brings satisfaction. All of those are passed to the procedure photorejuvenation point out that the wrinkles are smoothed, the disappearance of the pigmentation of the skin, acne, does not bother more the capillaries of the asterisk. So the photorejuvenation courageously can be attributed to the effectiveness of the procedures of material rejuvenation of the face.

Radiolifting (thermage)

The intensification of collagen due to the increase of the temperature of the skin is a good result after the outfit. The undoubted advantage of thermage is the absence of counter-indications. After the procedure, there remains no trace on your face, and you are totally immune to the risk of allergy.


This material assistance to the single procedure, you can call effective in the field of facial rejuvenation, in effect, the "wake up" the collagen with the help of the exposure to electric shock and light, it is not every method. About the procedure of recall just a slight tingling, and the rest – it is a real pleasure.

Methodology of the introduction of medicines for the rejuvenation of the skin of the face, too, finds its fans among those who have a fear of surgery and did not believe in cosmetology. Here use the meso – or ozone therapy. In mesotherapy are introduced under the skin of vitamins or other substances to enable intradermal process. The application of ozone eliminates the causes of the decline of the skin of the introduction of oxygen.

Not done in hardware rejuvenation of the people and without the reverse side of the medal. Before you begin any of the procedures of rejuvenation, it is necessary to study the question. Sometimes it happens that the front of the equipment, procedures, experts recommend the application of manual techniques – massage or cleaning. Only outs in the application of these methods act to have no impact on the muscle tissue and the lack of stimulation of the production of collagen.

The youth after 50 years

The impact on the discoloration of the skin should be more intense and long-lasting. As the highlight of many visitors to clinics beauty, only the most expensive methods give a result if the material for facial rejuvenation in women over 50.

It is important! To have an impact on the skin, persons aged 50 years was the least of problems, it is necessary to maintain the skin, the balance at the latest 30 years.

The skin loses its elasticity with age and elasticity, becomes dry and dull. All of these changes occur because of the change in hormonal background of the woman's body. Help women rediscover the joy and freshness are called to the methodology of surgical equipment facial rejuvenation.

  1. Correction laser. The rays of the laser deep into the skin cells, the skin is not injured, and the method applies without consequences.
  2. Facial rejuvenation fractional. Dispersed laser beams, by penetrating into the deeper layers of the skin, stimulate regeneration and production of collagen.
  3. The method of sanding the skin. This will remove the old cellular layers that prevent the skin to breathe. The resurfacing works on the surface of the skin without affecting the depth.
  4. Photorejuvenation is also applied to the mature skin and gives a good result in the low energy and time.
  5. Thermage leads to the production of your own collagen and elastin, this method has no contraindications.
  6. Women over the age of 50 also shows injection method of facial rejuvenation. The hyaluronic acid injections or botox will make person less than a few years, in the same usual way of a woman's life does not change.
  7. The introduction into the skin of the face of the son have shown good results at the disposal of the second chin and the tightening of the skin on the cheeks. This method of facial rejuvenation - a costly, but its effectiveness is marked by many.
  8. The ozonothérapie gives a good result, applicable to the mature aging of the skin. The return of the skin, oxygen stimulates cell renewal and helps to restore the elasticity and freshness.
  9. Circular skin tightening refers to cosmetic surgical procedures of rejuvenation of the facial skin, and is indicated for patients presenting with signs of aging. The operation is performed under general anesthesia, and following out the chin, fade wrinkles, and the skin of the face looks much younger.
The youth after 50 years

To slow down the aging process of the skin of the face, you need to carefully choose the cosmetic products for the care of the skin, to take account of the authenticity of the constituents and to comply with the regularity. But some of the creams and masks to maintain the state of the skin is not easy, so you can take advantage of the devices for facial rejuvenation at home. Simply select the model of the quality of the equipment and learn to use it. This is the output for those who can't find the time to visit the exhibition or those of its own hands, the more confidence, as someone else.

The procedure of material rejuvenation of the face are designed to protect and preserve the peace women at any age, and therefore, their relevance, and their relevance will be preserved for many years. In fact, a woman wants to be young and beautiful always.