The mask of strawberry for the face against wrinkles

Hello, dear readers. During the summer season, the bays, you need to take all advantages, it not only concerns the consumption. Vitamins, that gave her nature, in each strawberry, able to bring a lot of benefits to the skin of the face. To do this, you need to prepare one of these flavors of berries a mask. The training will take a little time, and the result is even better than the store locations of funds. Personally, I like a lot the mask of strawberry for the skin, they are really cool nourish, regenerate, moisturize and help to solve many problems.

Strawberries for the face — the use of berries

The skin after the strawberry face mask becomes velvety, feeds on the natural vitamins.

  • The berries are rich in vitamin A, which provides an anti-inflammatory and a moisturizing effect.
  • Folic acid creates a film, which is able to protect the delicate skin on show in summer, the uv rays, which is very important during the warmer months of the year.
  • Vitamin c prevents aging, not allowing the cells to degrade.
  • The biotin contained in the strawberries, restores.
  • Calcium and potassium make the face smooth.

The berries of the strawberry is the "vitamin of the accusation of" for our skin, thanks to its composition, these masks are able to quickly restore dry skin of the face, effectively face many challenges.


Takes care of your face in summer, quite simply, you just need to select спелую strawberries, preferably with his vegetable garden. Regularly imposed by the masks make the skin firm, nourish vitamins. It is necessary to take advantage of the opportunity to enjoy a natural face care, because in winter, the fresh berries.

For a skin will be useful mask of strawberries

The fresh berries provide a package of care for the cells of the skin, they are used:

  • for sluggish skin;
  • dry (natural humidifier);
  • fat (strawberry tightens pores);
  • normal and mixed (nourishes skin cells);
  • contaminated (has a purifying effect);
  • problem (berries prevent the onset of acne).

The mask of strawberry is able to display dark spots, improve the complexion. Dispense with this type of care does not have to those who suffer from intolerance of these bays, has open sores on the face.

Check if the mask is easy, just apply to the wrist, if, within a period of five minutes does not occur reaction, it is enough to use on the face.

Mask of strawberries for the face anti-age

The mask of strawberry, you can prepare, as with the addition of food, and the usual cream.

The mask with strawberry and white cheese

Need to grind the 4 large windows in the mashed potatoes, send the 2 teaspoons of cottage cheese, 1 teaspoon of oil, perfect flax seed or olive oil and mix.


You can replace the sour cream, it is desirable that it was rustic. For more effect, in the ready mask add a few drops of vitamin A, E.

Having mixed all the components to homogeneity, apply the mask on your face, previously cleaned, with the exception of the area around the eyes, keep for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

This recipe is suitable for the evening of the application, in order to obtain an effect of skin rejuvenation, you need to use a mask three times per week.

Cooking should be just before applying. Store it in the refrigerator is not recommended.

Cream mask with strawberry

This is the second type of mask for the skin rejuvenation of the face. Cook it a little easier, it is perfect for people who can't stand the smell of dairy products.

It will be necessary to grind them into a paste in 3 or 4 strawberries, add a teaspoon of cream. The components to be mixed, apply on the face. After 10 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Mask with cherries and strawberries

Such a mix of berries will give the skin.

For the cooking of the ягодной a mask, it is necessary to grind them in the puree 8 strawberries and cherries (pre-stain the bones).

Add half a teaspoon of aloe juice or oil and honey. Mix everything together, ready to apply the mask on the face. After 20 minutes, rinse with cool water.

Face mask, cream and strawberries

This recipe will make the skin elastic, improve the complexion, and reduces inflammation. Regular application of a mask will have an effect exfoliating, suitable for rejuvenation.

Berries, squeeze the juice, take 1 teaspoon. To do this, you can remove the strawberries with a fork, after that it is to overcome the puree through cheesecloth.

In a small cup, mix half a teaspoon of: almond oil, corn starch, sour cream and the juice. All the ingredients mix until smooth and apply on the face previously cleaned.

The masks hold 20 minutes, then rinse it off with warm water or tea welding. After that, rinse the skin with lukewarm water.

The mask of this recipe is suitable for women with dry or stagnation of the skin.

The mask of strawberry for the face against wrinkles

Smooth fine lines is able to mask the strawberries with the flour, rice, flax or oat flour.

The main rule, the flour is necessary to grind yourself using a coffee grinder. In this case, there will be no impurities.

To prepare the mask, it will take 7 berries medium-sized, and 1 teaspoon of the chosen flour. Strawberries разминается using a fork, all the ingredients are blended.

If it is very thick, you can dilute it with strong green tea, which needs to cool down.

Apply the mask on the face and neck, which is aged for 20 minutes. The cereal you can replace the potatoes, persil, the berries of sea buckthorn.

If you add a mask of aloe juice or lemon, it will have a bleaching effect. The duration must necessarily be reduced up to 10 minutes.

The mask of strawberry acne

Skin issue can be treated in natural ways, you will not have to spend money on hyped and expensive.


The mask of the strawberry has a positive effect in the care of the skin among teenage girls. In an advanced age, helps to cope with redness on the face.

Apply the mask necessary after the test on the skin of the wrist, to protect against the rash, or itching.

Varieties of masks strawberry acne.

Honey, egg white and strawberries

Half a cup of berries mashed, add the two proteins and a tablespoon of honey. Stir the mixture, apply on the face twice a day for 15 minutes.

For these masks are needed, ripe berries. They contain components of clean precipitation and soothe the skin.

You can use this recipe as a compress. After mixing, apply the mask on the face in two layers, avoiding the eye contour.

Cover with gauze pre-cut holes for the nose, mouth, and eyes. Keep the person better, being in a horizontal position, 15 minutes.

At the end of this time, wash off with lukewarm water. Provided that the compress is superimposed to 3 times per week, the skin will not only wet, but occurs the decrease of acne.

The strawberries, cognac

This recipe will make the skin moist and clean out the infection. To stretch a range of 3 large berries strawberries, add a tablespoon of cognac.

The cooked mixture apply on face, avoiding eye area, leave on for 5 to 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

Mask for dry skin strawberry

The dry skin of the face may "please" masks with the addition of more ingredients, fat.

This composition has nutritional and moisturizing effect. In summer, beauty treatments based on fruits, prepared at home, help restore an optimal balance of moisture in the skin cells.

A mask of strawberry is desirable to do so regularly, throughout the season of these berries, but not more than three times per week.

Provide food for dry skin will help mask of potatoes and strawberries. Cook simple, just boil a tuber of the potato and carefully stretch.

Add the milk and the strawberries, will be enough for 6 large berries. The resulting mass is applied on the area of the face, the bear for 20 minutes. Rinse off a mask house, only with lukewarm water.

Moisturize dry facial skin will help mask with strawberry with the addition of the cream. To prepare, you have to knead into a dough 4 ripe strawberries, enter the cream, 2 teaspoons.

If the consistency of a mask is too liquid, you can add a teaspoon of oat flour. Apply a natural mask on the face for 15 minutes. At the end of this time, a mask house, rinse with warm water.

Mask for oily skin strawberry

The oily skin of the face, the strawberries quickly "will result in the order", it contains components that contribute to the purification and narrowing of the pores. The regular application of masks in this bay, will leave the shine, and the skin will be more matte and brilliant view.

Mask of tomatoes with strawberries for cleaning

Such components of the mask to produce a peeling effect, refreshes the face, deep clean the pores.

For cooking, it should be the pulp (without skin) of a wort of tomato and the same amount of strawberries. Join the advance wiped of the components, mix well in a volume-in dishwasher.

dark angel-iz-klubniki

Obtained apply the mask on clean face, keep for 15 minutes. When will the time, to wash home remedy under the hot water.

The mask, the strawberry and the addition of egg protein

This tool will help you refine pores, remove the fat from the brightness of the skin. For the preparation of such a strawberry masks, need to mix 3 berries pre-whisk an egg white.

Clean the face using appropriate under the skin type of the tool. Apply the mask, do not touch the eye area, leave for 15 minutes. After you completely rinse a little warm water.

Mask for normal skin with strawberry

Normal facial skin needs daily power: power, purification humidifying. With these objectives copes mask of strawberries, thanks to the addition of different natural elements, you can achieve different effects.

Those who have had the chance to have a normal skin, without particular problems, does not mean that the penalty of forfeit of the masks. The following recipes will help you maintain a youthful person.

Base, a mask of strawberry

This is the easier maintenance, which will provide berries. It will have to be cut in slices of 2-3 strawberry and apply on the face.

It can be a little bit stretch a range, use the same principle of the dough. Leave on the face for 15 minutes, then cool water to rinse. During this time, the natural mask will help the skin to be moist, cleanse the face and reduces pores of the skin.

Mask with strawberries and yogurt

Nourishing the action will have on the skin of kefir, which is added to wood, to the number of two tablespoons.

Give the density, you can add a half-teaspoon of potato starch. The components of such a mask, mix well and apply on face, after 15 minutes, clean with water.

The mask of strawberry and honey

Prepared from these components of a mixture will give your skin look radiant, will nutritional of the action, will eliminate the effect of "tugging" after removing makeup or washing your face with cream.

Such a mask is desirable to apply in the evening, after cleansing the face. For her, the need to stretch the 3 large strawberries, grab a teaspoon of oil (olive or flax) and honey.

Components to be mixed, apply the finished mask on the face. Keep on the skin for 20 minutes, carefully washed with water.