Rejuvenation of the skin of the body. How to rejuvenate the skin to aid rejuvenation of valves

Rejuvenation of the skin of the body , in our century of advanced technology, you can make virtually any beauty salon or clinic, and to adopt procedures for rejuvenation, you can entire complex. Methods many – therapeutic, surgical, beauty care, etc, but often they are very expensive, and not all women can afford it. Not even all of them are safe. We will talk to you quite safely for skin rejuvenation at home – baths and well-being in the bathroom.

Rejuvenation of the skin of the body – anti-aging bath

bath with salt

With age, the skin cells aging, start to recover slower and slower. For us, this process want to speed up or slow down the aging process. And it is possible. As we said above, today there are a large number of ways to do it. We propose to use a method of skin rejuvenationthat you can apply to the house – anti-age bath - based minerals and other components that are very cheap or you can create it yourself (the grass).

What depends on the state (the freshness, the softness, elasticity, etc) of our skin? Of course, the condition of his health, which in turn depends on the amount of the cell of nutrients and oxygen. What the skin needs to be fed from the inside, it is undeniable, it can not be beautiful and young on the outside, but also anti-aging bath is also actively involved in the process of his health, by improving metabolism and blood circulation, thus contributing to more effective learning of the nutrients.

The compositions and substances that are added in the rejuvenation of the bath, penetrate into the skin and make it more elastic, smooth and soft. This can be all kinds of essential oils, infusions of herbs, mineral salts, milk, fruit juice, etc, let us See few effective recipes of rejuvenation of valves.

Rejuvenation of the skin of the body – recipes of rejuvenation of valves

The most simple rejuvenating bathis a bath with sea salt. Sea salt contains a large number of useful elements, ensuring that the skin is smooth, supple and not stressful. A bath with sea salt to relieve the flaking and irritation, and tones the skin and are derived from the harmful toxins.

Prepare a bath, it is very simple, enter a bathroom full of water (37-38°C) and add about 300 grams of sea salt.

Take a rejuvenating bath with the sea salt in the evening, for 15 to 20 minutes.

A rejuvenating effect have seaweed baths (with extracts of kelp or rockweed). In the marine algae contain a large amount useful for the skin of substances that, in plants do not meet face to face. These baths can be purchased in pharmacies.

Take the it is necessary, in accordance with the instructions contained on the packaging.

bath with clay

Bath with clay – another means of rejuvenation of the skin of the body. These baths improve the tone of the skin, improves blood circulation in it, and effectively remove the skin of sebum, the dead skin cells and impurities. For the firing of these valves is best to use either white or blue clay. Dissolve in the hot water that filled the tub, not more than 500 grams of clay and take a bath for 20 minutes. After that, take a warm shower, without the use of a gel or a soap.

The regeneration of your skin, the thermal baths refers cool English bath (water temperature should not exceed +20°C). In such an avoid the early onset of wrinkles and toniziruyut the skin a bath add, or infusion of pine needles, or evergreen oil. Take the bath must not exceed 5 minutes, otherwise you get hypothermia and get sick.

Bath in milk also promote rejuvenation of the skin. These baths can be both with the goat and cow milk, and with the addition of fruit juices and oils. So, pour in the bath with the water (36-37°C) not more than 2 liters of goat's milk and take her for 25 minutes. And then, without rinsing, dab the skin with a towel.

In the next recipe anti-aging of the bath, you can use it like a cow and goat milk. Milk (2 litres), you need to slightly heat and dissolve the 15ml of rose oil. The mixture pour into the tub with water and take it for 15 minutes. Then accende intus stupam in the shower.

>For the rejuvenation of the skin , you can apply and herbal. These baths are outside of the rejuvenation of the effect of own and soothing. Then, take 2 tablespoons of birch leaves, strawberry, eucalyptus, 3 tablespoon of mint leaves, 1,5 table spoon of leaves of a walnut, pour this mixture 2 gallons of boiling water and leave to infuse for one hour on two. After the infusion, strain and pour in a water bath. Take this kind of bath not more than 20 minutes.

Also rejuvenate the skin of the body , you can take a bath of thyme and lemon balm. 100 grams of each plant, pour a liter of boiling water, cover and let stand for about 1.5 hours. Far from acting thus, as in the previous recipe.

Also, anti aging bath, you can make the collection of these herbs, such as lavender, yarrow, mint, chamomile and rosemary. These herbs fill a bag of gauze, pour the sound of the boiling water and make an infusion. Then, this infusion in addition in the bathtub with water and accept it in a period of 15 to 20 minutes.

bath with herbs

Rejuvenation of the skin of the body – rules for admission of rejuvenation valves

The first thing before, how to take a rejuvenating bath, you must wash it carefully. This contributes to a better infiltration of the skin with nutrients. Should not take anti-aging bath with a full stomach – after the meal should take a minimum of 2 hours. If time allows, it is best to do this procedure before eating.

Cold rejuvenation of the bath water temperature, not more than 20°C take more than 5 minutes. Neutral (34-37°C) and warm (37-39°C) in a bain – no more than 20-25 minutes, and hot (40-42°C) for 5 to 10 minutes. If you have a penchant for cardiovascular disease, warm baths to take contra-indicated.