At home rejuvenate facial skin?

Even if the perfect figure of our age makes the state of the skin of the face. It is the most exposed to external shocks, and therefore, demands of us an increased attention and care.

a young skin

As home to rejuvenate her face

In order to proceed with a rejuvenation of the facial skin, you can use recipes from the population and use of home remedies which are always at hand. Our skin needs continuous care meticulous. Is not a secret that we are older, the worse is its condition, and this is mainly reflected on the face.

The reason for this is not only the age:

  • The violation of the sleep mode, the taking of meals;
  • The lack of vitamins;
  • The abuse of make-up;
  • Bad habits.

All this reflects on our appearance. It is only when the true reasons of the deterioration of the condition of the skin, you can correct something.

With what to begin? Not worth it to rush both in the extreme, to try to rejuvenate his face expensive creams, hide introduced defects in the layers of shades of creams, or of the escape of the aid of plastic surgeons. If you are really concerned about the problem of rejuvenation of the skin of the face – first of all rethink your lifestyle.

The general health of the body

a healthy lifestyle

Wanting to recover his former beauty, to improve the condition of the skin on the face, it is interesting to think about, first of all, on the consolidation of the organization as a whole, so that our skin is the mirror of our health.

  • Take care of the standardization of sleep
  • Organize rational, power
  • Give up bad habits, reduce to a minimum the consumption of alcohol and tobacco
  • Enrich the food vitamins through vegetables and fruits
  • Drinking every day is not less than 1.5 litres of pure water without gas
  • Give your body the possible of the physical load, little by little, increasing
  • Spend more time in nature, outdoor
  • Avoid excess sun exposure during the warm season
Regularly following the above listed recommendations, after some time, you will notice improved vitality, as is strengthening your muscles, refreshes the skin.

Vintage anti-aging infusions

In order to achieve the persistence of an effect of rejuvenation, not to forget the traditional recipes came to us from the depth of time, used by our grandmothers. For example, a remarkable wine, that you can prepare at home – a great way to rejuvenate and stave off approaching old age.

  • So: take fifty grams of dried flowers of lavender and rose petals, sage blossoms, place them in an earthen vessel or a glass bottle, pour a good dry wine of red grape varieties in number of 1 litre. Able to withstand the infusion in a dark place at a temperature that is less than half a month, shaking the container as often as possible. After a time, strain the wine and pour it into the bottle. Drink a minor drink two times a day for half an hour before meals. Dose of 50 grams.
  • There is a not less than a unique recipe that can't be overlooked: the garlic balm in white wine. Peeled the teeth of a head of garlic, pour 200 grams of white wine, ulcus and simmer after the boil over low heat for 30 minutes. No filtering, once cooled, pour into a glass and storing them in the fridge. Consume the balm need in the diagram: a teaspoon for half an hour before meals three times per day. You should drink three days, and then to make a break for a week, and then again and again until drink. This balm is not only to slow down the aging process, it stimulates the reproductive organs in the female and has a refreshing effect to the skin of the face.

Herbal medicine

herbal medicine

The grass – the best assistants of the woman who aspires to look young and beautiful. Herbal Infusions, extracts are used in the professional of pharmacy, cosmetology. They are the favorite of folk remedies for many members of the fairer sex, who from generation to generation using the miracle of cosmetic products from herbs. They can easily be made at home. They are not the worst in efficiency, as the professional cosmetics, but much less expensive and more environmentally friendly, because the cost, without the various preservatives, chemical additives and perfumes.

Using herbs, you can return the elasticity of the skin, get rid of premature wrinkles, restoring the skin of the face smooth and clean color.

  • Soothing, purifying the skin of the infusion: take one tablespoon dried chamomile flowers, linden, horsetail grass and sage. Boil a small amount of boiling water and wrap it for 45 minutes. Filter, pour into a glass bowl and use them for rubbings' of the skin of the face twice a day, morning and before bedtime. Keep preferably in the refrigerator.
  • Whitening lotion fresh: a tablespoon of chopped herbs dill, persil, comfrey and evening primrose oil, mix in a glass bowl, pour 200 – 300 grams of boiling water. Let stand for 3 hours, strain, use as a tonic.
  • Moisturizing Lotion for dry skin: are made of equal parts of chamomile flowers, linden, rosehip, umbrellas, fennel, and mint leaves. Pay the collection at the base of plants in the water, bring to a boil, then over low heat, heat for another five minutes. Puree cooled the decoction to wipe face after it cures.
  • In addition to the lotions, tonics, teas, plants for external use, a wonderful rejuvenating effect will be plant health, cooked at the home of the collection of equal parts of the ground and green shoots of raspberry, strawberry, rosehip. The active substances, which contain plants, stimulate the production by the body of estrogen, a hormone responsible for the production of collagen and improves the blood circulation, cell hydration. Prepare the papers in the summer season — enjoy a miracle solution, the drink of the year.

Face mask at home

mask for the face

The most popular of the means of the population on the care of the face to the house, no doubt, are masks. Their charm and advantages reside in the fact that preparing they exclusively from natural products, have not undergone industrial processing of the conservatives.

Generally, masks are most often used are honey, dairy products, milk, rolled oats, yeast, eggs, apples, cucumbers and other products, which is at hand, almost every woman.

However, few have a mask for the ingredients that are necessary: it is necessary to know a few rules, without the fulfilment of which the mask will be ineffective.

  1. Thoroughly clean the face gel or milk cosmtique of makeup, the dust and the layer of fat.
  2. Use a scrub or peeling to clean the skin to remove the dead cells of the epidermis.
  3. Steam the skin using a warm compress or steam bath based on medicinal plants. For this, you can use sage, chamomile, calendula, linden.
  4. After you have cleaned, steamed, slightly damp skin open-cell, use one of the favorite masks. Normal, the time necessary for the effects of a mask of 15-20 minutes.
  5. Don't forget after you have rinsed off the mask, wipe the face tonic and apply a nourishing cream. These procedures better way to spend the evening.

Let's look at the most popular recipes of masks:

  • The most preferred because of its simplicity, the mask is made with apples and milk. In a little milk, boil until tender, peeled apples clove. This mass made of mashed potatoes, which, after cooling in the warm state, apply over the face.
  • Cucumber – one product, rich in trace elements, helps resist aging of the skin. Thin slices apply to the face, soak a quarter of an hour. Similarly, you can make a mask of strawberries or raspberries. This is a great way to moisturize the skin, saturate it with nutrients, with a rejuvenating effect.
  • Ideal for dry skin eggs lemon a nourishing mask. For these purposes, we use only the yolk of the egg. For oily skin is best to take the protein, it tightens the pores, and slightly the skin sche. Press in the recent shells of a base a little lemon juice and add a teaspoon of olive oil, mix well and apply on the face. After that you ablutionem the mass of twenty minutes, you will be able to see the effectiveness of this medium.
  • The potato is not only the favorite food on our desk. Cooked in their skins, mashed potatoes, hot porridge, it will be an excellent remedy against wrinkles. Apply the resulting paste on a towel, apply on the face. It is fast, efficient, guaranteeing the rejuvenation.
  • The effect of rejuvenation of the skin fat honey protein mask by adding the flour. Keep can be no more than 15 minutes, considering the allergenic properties of the honey. Already after the first application it can be noted that the tight skin, the purchase of a soft creaminess.
  • The dry skin will respond gratitude to the action of the mask of oatmeal. Pour the flakes in the hot milk, let it swell, let it cool to room temperature, apply on the face for a quarter of an hour. This method cleans perfectly the skin, giving it a pleasant sweetness.

Cryotherapy and shiatsu


It has long been known that stimulate the impact of the cold and massage on the body: known as the stress wakes up the functions of protection, strengthening blood circulation, and increases, therefore, the delivery in the epidermis of nutrients and oxygen.

  • To keep home skin turgor, wipe down all the mornings of the ice-based herbal teas or mineral water, adding a few drops of citrus juice – lemon, lime, orange, grapefruit. You get an excellent tonic for the face.

Important: this method is not suitable for ladies with thin, skin, the blood vessels close under the effect of the cold, they can angusta, forming ugly cyanogen pinion, which get rid of, only the professional of means.

  • Techniques of fight against the discoloration of the skin using japanese women. They are known for having a beautiful skin, that remains among them until old age. This is explained by the fact that, during the provision of health care to with folk remedies for the rejuvenation of each day, they apply a technique of shiatsu massage at home. Simple engineering, master this method if you want to, every modern woman.

There is still a huge amount of recipes using folk remedies for the rejuvenation of the skin, to preserve its appeal. In this case, the important thing is not only the knowledge, but, above all, the responsibility, the conduct of the rejuvenating treatments at the house.