The rejuvenation of the facial skin of his hands

The rejuvenation of the face

We dream to stay young and beautiful for as long as possible. This natural process of aging we are not satisfied. Especially sensitive to his view in the mirror seek salvation in the beauty salons or even given away in the power of plastic surgeons. The purpose of this section of my publication to tell about the rejuvenation of the facial skin of his hands, to the house. What can we, first of all to themselves?

Know the enemy in person

Why we age and we change on the outside? Why do some look much younger than the other, without the help of surgeons? For the development of a strategy of rejuvenation, it is very important for you to know.

Imagine what we start to age already 18 years old! Our skin can't stay forever young and not grow old. This process is inevitable. And we have to accept it.

In the first are formed of the excess of skin in the eye area, small, barely visible wrinkles in the corners of the eyes; down the outer corners of the eyebrows, the folds labial. This occurs up to 30 years.

When you have more than 40 years, signs of ageing of the skin of the face are more obvious, and new ones are added: heavier the eyelids, the skin of the chin is soft, settles on the cheeks, between the eyebrows, is manifest a great ride.

At 50 years of age, our cheeks because of the sagging almost to merge with the chin. And oh, the horror, the face loses its contours. Sometimes the tip of his nose lengthens.

60 years record of the notable changes, the skin becomes thinner and the earth, the result of which form deep wrinkles.

There are several types of facial aging in women:
  1. A tired face is manifested by a decrease of the elasticity of the skin. In the morning, after a good night's sleep is feeling rested and fresh, but in the evening, found explicitly senile expression. This ageing is typical for oily skin or mixed skin. The cause may be frequent stress, smoking, fatigue, lack of sleep.

  2. The wrinkled face is inherent in the thin-skin sensitive. The small wrinkles cover the entire surface of the mesh. Causes: frequent and long duration of exposure to the sun, dry skin.

  3. Gravitatis type are exposed to large women with weighted features of the face. Because of the excess of subcutaneous fat, wrinkles almost not, but with the time, form thick to fold. The reasons: overweight, diseases of the skin oily.

  4. Combined applies to the beginning of ageing on the face. In this case, manifest different signs of several types. Here and wrinkles, and decreased elasticity of the skin and sagging cheeks. They are a great number of free radicals in the body and prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays.

  5. Less visible traces of aging on the face with the skin, with a small layer of subcutaneous tissue is muscular aging. First form wrinkles near the eyes (crow's feet), and then start to fall in folds of fat above the top of the centuries, and expressed naso. The reason is a – age.

In spite of the different morphotypes of aging, the causes of all the generals. There is a premature ageing and the natural ageing of the cover. The second happens gradually, in the biological program of cell conversion.

The main causes of premature aging:
  • circulation disorders;
  • the failure of background hormonal;
  • the slow recovery of the cell;
  • dehydration;
  • exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • the stress;
  • the lack of vitamins and trace elements;
  • heredity;
  • the abuse of alcohol;
  • smoking;
  • adverse of the environment;
  • the lack of care of the face.

How do I register?

Sooner or later, we ask ourselves the questions: "How to stop aging? How to stop aging of the face? How to rejuvenate the face?" It is an individual approach. Need, at least, the consultation of a competent doctor-beautician, who listens carefully to your face and not only advise you of the cream and massage, but tells you what type of food you choose, can help you determine what is missing in your face to restore a deficiency in vitamins and trace elements in the body.

Even if the skin, in his youth, in perfect condition, it is necessary from time to time to visit a beautician for prophylactic purposes. As for prophylactic purposes the woman is sure to visit a gynecologist, done a mammogram 1 time a year, even if nothing hurts. Imperceptible at first glance, the symptoms of the ageing person specialist will be able to detect early on. It will tell you that it is the need to take in order to maintain the freshness of the skin over the long term. Pick up the cosmetics and how to use them correctly.

The wrinkles of expression and age-related changes

But you-well, you can, if not prevent slow down the aging of the coverage of the person. For example, do gymnastics, put on a mask and go to the house of the rejuvenation procedure.

Consultation of the beautician, it is possible to afford. Better still is allow of Bada, a regular application which is very useful in the fight against aging.

Steam bath or sauna, masks and lotions of pharmacy fund, calisthenics, self-massage — the most accessible and popular methods and the ways to preserve the beauty and youth.

Rejuvenation begins with the purification. It is the law!

Cleaning should be not only superficial, but to touch the deeper layers of the skin. In cleaning function is maximum for the pore cleansing and intense contraction, it is up to them of an accumulation of dust and sebum.

Procedures are the most effective possible, it is important to follow a few simple rules:

  • Must adhere to hygiene, can be applied only to the means.
  • Apply cleaning products it is necessary on the net, and the skin-to-steam — for example, after the adoption of a steam bath. Thanks to this will provide a more profound impact.
  • When using home remedies, it is advisable to take only natural components. But also perfect and finished products cosmetic.
  • During the week, the best option would be to perform two purification procedures.
The house of lotions herbal
Well rejuvenate the skin at home lotions.

Here are a few simple recipes domestic lotions.

The lotion mint: 4-5 c. l. powder, fresh mint or 2 tablespoons of dry boiling water (½ liter) and 10 minutes to cook on a gentle heat. Cooled, filtered, add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and apple cider vinegar, 2 tablespoons of tincture of calendula and 4 tablespoons boric alcohol, mix well, pour in a bottle in dark glass and stored in the fridge. Wipe this face lotion should be in the morning and evening – the color of the skin improves, it will be more healthy and more youthful.

The lotion persil prepares a little differently. Dried (or fresh grated) leaves and roots of plants (1 tbsp) boiled water and half an hour heated in a water bath; insist hour, filtered, and add the white dry wine (50-70 g). Cleanse the face morning and evening.

Mask for skin rejuvenation
  1. The mask of the grass. Take equal parts of leaves of lime, strawberry, currants, yarrow, plantain; raw materials are carefully crushed is mixed, and pour 4 c. l. the mixture of boiling water – so as to obtain a paste. When the mixture has cooled, about 15 minutes is applied on the face and neck; wash in cold water.

  2. The mask to the aloe vera. It is an excellent anti-age mask. In a porcelain or glass cup mix aloe juice (years 1 tbsp) of olive oil (1 tablespoon), and are a mixture of pre-steamed face. After 15 minutes, the mask out with a damp cloth, and the top wear the other white with ½ tablespoon of salt raw egg white; hold 10 minutes and wash the grout of st. john's wort or sage. After the mask, cover your nourishing cream.

  3. Very useful and nutritious got a mask with banana, yogurt (2 tablespoons) and honey (1 tablespoon). The yogurt and the honey mixed with the pulp of ½ a banana, put the paste on the face, hold for 15-20 minutes and rinse off with lukewarm water.

  4. Mask with milk: warm the milk, add as much flour to the mixing looked like sour cream, then add the egg yolk, mix and apply the mixture on the clean face. Keep 20 minutes, and wash with water and a little lemon juice.

  5. Mask with protein, honey (1 tablespoon) and flour (2 c.). The protein foamy, add the flour and the honey, mix well and 20 minutes of applying it on your face, previously cleaned. Rinse with warm water.

  6. Potato mask. Simple potatoes well helps rejuvenate the facial skin, particularly dry – the small and not even very fine lines. You just boil the potatoes in their skin to steam, to clean, to stretch and warm apply on the face. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm water. Mashed potatoes, add a little milk or cream.

Tell rejuvenation masks for all skin types here is not to succeed, but we can list some of the effective ingredients for the masks.

  • For dull skin good mask with the carrot, the lemon juice and yogurt – they make it its freshness and healthy color.
  • The masks with cucumber refresh and soothe tired skin; masks of banana help to prevent the appearance of early wrinkles.
  • For oily skin good mask of tomatoes; tightens pores and tightens the skin and the white mask of egg and the lemon juice; the buttons and the redness can eliminate the mask with mint leaves.
  • Soften the skin and remove the dead cells that help the mask to the oatmeal.
Rejuvenate at home, you can not only from the outside but from the inside

There are a lot of remedies, purifying the body, improving metabolism and stimulating cell renewal.

This magical mixture is obtained from the conventional products: honey – 1 kg of lemons – 4 pieces garlic – 3 to the head, from the flax oil – 200 ml, garlic-Peeled and limes (2 peeled and 2 with the peel) is ground in a grinder or a blender, add the honey and the butter, mix everything with the wooden spoon and shifted in a glass jar. Store the tool should be in the fridge, and to be taken 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon for a half-hour before meals. After some time, the skin of the face and the whole body becomes smooth and silky, to improve the condition of nails and hair.

Simple and inexpensive home remedies for the rejuvenation of the skin much – just learn more about them, and choose those who love. Regular use of masks, scrubs, lotions, baths and other procedures help to give the skin the softness, the freshness, elasticity and youth, and then the atmosphere is still excellent, and the life interesting and joyful.

Be young and beautiful! Do you like to.